Leader or Manager

How Do You Know If Are You A Leader or Manager – definition of leadership. Read this page if your aim to move from simply being a manager to being a true leader, this will help you to find out how to go about it.

When you become a ‘Leader’ your word is your bond – you must know that when you speak, you will fulfil your promise to others and others will know they can depend on you. Think before you speak. Make a habit of under-promising and over-delivering. Always keep your promises. Think about the kind of person you would want to deal with and be that person yourself.

Leadership -v- Power

Don’t make the mistake of associating supervisory positions, or seats of power, with leadership. This presumes that these two things are synonymous and while this can be the case, leadership and power are wholly separate issues. In reality, even if you are the boss, you may not have all of the power, or be capable of handling it, even if you did possess all of it.

For a while, we were told leadership was all about setting clear objectives and holding people accountable. Then the pendulum swung away to focus on “soft” leadership skills, such as empowerment, coaching and mentoring.

Of course, the reality is both are necessary. But that’s usually too subtle a message for consulting firms. You won’t catch them recommending free common sense as a solution, when they can offer you expensive and frequently more simplistic techniques. Consider this thought: mangers tend to push, while leaders tend to pull. Read on about being a Leader or Manager – Definition of leadership.

Ask for help.

If like many of us, you find asking for help difficult, allow yourself to reveal a certain amount of vulnerability. You may feel as if you are admitting a weakness that the world would not have known about, but asking for help shows you to be big enough to acknowledge that others hold information you value. And that can be quite motivating for the information-holder.

Thus you will discover that people who are able to deliver well-positioned requests for help are seen as very strong individuals. When you demonstrate the humility to ask for help, you earn the respect of others. Recipients of a heartfelt request for help are usually honoured by the request. In turn, we are strengthened by the very help that is provided. To make a habit of asking for help is to strengthen your leadership.

To be a Leader is not to be self-centred. You care about the interest of others. You will usually be a ‘great servant’ in the sense of providing a service of leadership. Even though in a high position, the leader doesn’t mind serving other people. rRead on about being a Leader or Manager – Definition of leadership.

You should write down your goals so you know where to reach them. You can not reach a goal that doesn’t exist. When you see your goal written down, you will be able to see it and to reach for it. Can you imagine a game of snooker without the pockets to aim the ball? People know that they are great players because they know how to hit the target accurately. Without a target, how can anyone tell whether you have hit your target accurately? You must have clear, definite, written-down goals of your life if you want to become a great leader!

I believe with all my heart that you can be a real leader. Nobody is born a leader, but a great leader can be made! Apply these principals in your life and you will see a big difference and change in your life. Take steps each and every that will take you where you want to go, it’s better than standing still and doing nothing.

CEO is an expert Author read about being a Leader or Manager – Definition of leadership. He writes for people deciding what you want to do and how to do it. For leadership resources visit his consulting site at http://definition-of-leadership.com
